formapura-concept is pure exercise of style.
SERENA FORTIN was born in the north east of Italy, but her artistic training began in Tuscany where she stayed for 6 years,
obtaining the Bachelor of Art Master in the "Art Institute of Wood and the Restoration of Antique Furniture" in Anghiari ( AREZZO),
in addition to the professional qualification in "Operator of Restoration of Furniture and Decoration in wood".
This is where his passion for wood carving begins, although he combines it with the restoration of ancient canvases and frescoes and works
as apprentice in several workshops of artisan restorers followed and guided by true experts of the sector.
With this background of experiences, he returns to his homeland and set up his own workshop, where he develops his professional career
performing restoration work for both private clients and public entities and museums, in furniture, doors and frames of various types,
epochs, styles and proveniences.
She also obtains the training title in "Decoradora de Interiores Habitables" that provides new opportunities and experiences: interior
decoration and realization of furniture and accessories.
Her concern for creation and contemporary design also leads her to a new project: the design and realization of wood sculpture-jewels,
also exhibiting her works in the most important Italian exhibitions in the sector (International Goldsmith Exhibition, silver jewelery
and jewelry "ORO AREZZO" and the International Fair "VICENZA ORO").
Since 2006 he lives in Jerez de la Frontera where he worked in his own workshop as an antique restorer both for individuals and public
entities such as the "Juan Sebastián de Elcano" School Ship and the Diputación de Cádiz.
She currently collaborates with interior design studios designing and producing original one-off pieces to order.
She also sculpts sculptures with abstract figures in different sizes, participating in collective and individual exhibitions in Jerez de la
Frontera and in the area of the province of Càdiz. In addition, she is dedicated to the design and creation of contemporary wooden
jewelry also with other new materials.
Serena Fortin is open to collaborations with architects and interior designer.
Ask for informations
- 2024 Collective exhibition "Sin Genero de Dudas" at space "ArteaDiario" - Jerez de la Frontera
- Since 2022 permanent exposition at Estudio de Interiorismo de Beatriz Silveira's showroom - Madrid
- 2022 Collective exhibition "MUMUAR FESTIVAL 2022" - Madrid
- 2021 Virtual Exhibition "SALA VIRTUAL de la Diputación de Cádiz" - Cádiz
- 2021 Exhibition with Fernando G. Durán “conexiones” at the exhibition hall "ESPACIO ABIERTO" – Jerez de la Frontera
- 2021 Collective exhibition "PROYECTO LAMAR" Made in Cádiz - Cádiz
- 2020 Collective exhibition at the exhibition hall "Espacio Abierto" – Jerez de la Frontera
- 2019 Personal exhibition “Serena Fortin Esculturas - Joyas - Lámparas” at the Hotel "CASA PALACIO MARIA LUISA" – Jerez de la Frontera
- 2019 Collective exhibition “De Ordinis Naturalis” at the Jerez de la Frontera's Alcázar.
- 2019 Collective exhibition “El Amoooor” at the Jerez de la Frontera's Alcázar.
- 2018 Personal exhibition “Gioielli e Sculture formapura” at the exhibition hall "Espacio Abierto" – Jerez de la Frontera
- 2017 Exhibition with Carlos Jorkareli “In Dialogo” at the exhibition hall "Pescadería Vieja" – Jerez de la Frontera- Càdiz
- 2014 Personal exhibition “Caricias” at the "Ateneo" in Jerez de la Frontera - Càdiz
- 2013 Personal exhibition “fluyendo” at the exhibition hall "Sala Cal" in Jerez de la frontera - Càdiz
- 2011 Exhibition with Carlos Jorkareli “In Dialogo” at the exhibition hall "San Miguel" – Arcos de la Frontera - Càdiz
- 2010 Collective exhibition ”Entre duendes” at the art gallery "Gades" - Chiclana de la Frontera - Càdiz
- 2009 Selected at the XXI Plastic Art Competition “Miguel Gonzalez Sandoval” in Lora del Rio - Sevilla
- 2009 Selected at the XI International Plastic Art Competition della Confederazione di Impresari della provincia di Cadiz (CEC) esponendo nella collettiva organizzata per l'occasione al Castillo di Santa Catalina in Cádiz
- 2009 Collective exhibition “Entre líneas” at the art gallery "Gades" – Chiclana de la Frontera - Càdiz
- 2008 Personal exhibition “formapura” nella Galería Belén – Jerez de la Frontera - Càdiz
- 2005 Exhibits her jewels “formapura” at the International Goldsmith Exhibition, silver jewelery and jewelry "ORO AREZZO" and the International Fair "VICENZA ORO".
- 2004 Exhibits her jewels “formapura” at the International Goldsmith Exhibition, silver jewelery and jewelry "ORO AREZZO" and the International Fair "VICENZA ORO".
formapura concept - Copyright 2023
web development - Silvio Trombin